Encourage health with holistic care

Hands-on Natural Medicine

In Sync Natural Health is a manual osteopathy clinic that assesses and treats the cause of your discomfort as well as managing your current symptoms. Whether you’re looking to reduce pain, prevent an injury from recurring, or address the symptoms of a chronic condition, our skilled practitioners provide assessment and treatment options that encourage your body to adapt and heal.


Gentle techniques to restore alignment to
the body and relieve pain.

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Infrared Sauna

Soothing, radiant heat for natural
healing and disease prevention.

Cranial Sacral Osteopathy

Cranial Sacral Osteopathy

Cranial sacral therapy is a gentle, manual form of osteopathic treatment that works on the fluid system surrounding the brain as well as the brain itself, dura, and spinal cord. While it has become associated with treatment of babies and children, it is highly effective in treating conditions in people of all ages. Read More

Osteopathy for for Children

Osteopathy for for Children

It is a common belief that babies and children should have no structural stresses and strains in their body, due to their young age, and flexibility. However, osteopaths recognize that the birth process can be very stressful and pay special attention to twists and compressions in the body’s tissue… Read More

Osteopathy and Pregnancy

Osteopathy and Pregnancy

Osteopathic techniques are safe at all stages of pregnancy. Pregnancy is a natural, unique and powerful experience. Expectant mothers experience enormous changes over a relatively short period of time particularly postural and hormonal changes. It’s not uncommon for women to experience back pain… Read More